16 December 2010

It's been a while

But ... I'm still here and I have finished the first year of my degree.

My results are:
Person Centred Care - Communications Skills - A+
Learning and Teaching - A+
Professional Nursing - An Introduction - A+
Bioscience for Health Professionals I - A
Skills for Nursing: The Fundamentals - A-
The Nursing Context I: Society and Health A+
Bioscience for Health Professionals II - A+
Clinical Practice - Passed

I'm happy with this.

Now I need to use the break between the first and second year to read up on a few things, do a bit more research and get myself ready for the next lot of courses. Lots of reading over Christmas.

Hopefully this coming year I can give more frequent updates. During this past year I have felt that I needed to dedicate my time exclusively to my course work. We'll see how we go next year.