24 February 2009

Too cute

There times when things happen that are almost too cute to be true.

As most of you know we have alpacas and the one born here 18 months ago has turned out to be miniature alpaca. At this stage she should really be full grown but she still looks like a cria (which is what immature alpacas are called). And with that small size comes an inordinate amount of cuteness.

This is a picture of Dinah taken some 10 minutes after she was born. I had to assist a little bit because she had ended up being born tangled in the fence you can see in the background. The interesting thing is that as a result of that early contact, as well as the other handling I've had to do of her over the last 18 months, she has grown up to be very people friendly.

These days if I lean over the fence or go into the paddock Dinah comes over to me and presents her head to me to scratch. The other day I went into the paddock and sat down and waited to see what would happen. Sure enough Dinah came up to me and then started rubbing herself against me.

When Jenny joined me Dinah lay down against the fence and we were able to cuddle up with her while she just lapped all the attention up.

I'm in two minds now about selling the alpacas. With such a darling wee girl that is making herself such a part of our family it almost feels like you're selling a child!

Shame really because I'm pretty sure that there is a huge market for miniature alpacas.

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